Saturday, May 23, 2015

Loosing Grace... Again

Field Day 2015 was a whole lot of fun. The kids always enjoy themselves so much. They run free, play with friends, get messy, play games, and they get a day off from workbooks and schoolwork.
Grace started her preschool curriculum and this was her first official Home school Field day.

Grace and her bestie

grace looking for trouble

Evie found a caterpillar 

The mud needed more water

her first solo roasting
She went all in! In true Gracie fashion she disappeared. 100 kids and 50 adults and she just vanished. She had to go to the bathroom, and rather than use the Porto potty outside she went into the house and used their bathroom. I had sent one of the daughters of the host family in and she called for her, but again in true Gracie fashion, she didn't respond. We found her in minutes and she was never in danger. Man she stresses me out.

Here one minute and gone the next.

Not long after I looked over to find grace in the mud pit... naked. She was so happy. we did require her to put something on her bottom, but we let her just play until she was done in the mud.

She had a great time playing with her friends and roasting marshmallows at the end of the day.

Totally worth it.

Friday, May 15, 2015

Frequent Flyer ER Cards?

Grace seems to have been named incorrectly. I was worried that if I named her Grace it would become a joke for a clumsy girl. Sure enough!

In the last two months she has cracked her head open and gotten staples. She stabbed her eye ball with a broken paint brush. She drank a bottle of antibiotics.

Today was no different.

She tried to go down the stairs wearing a lamp shade as a skirt. All I heard was

"HEY MOMMA! LOOK  WHAAA.... thump thump bumpity crash"

I rushed over to find her in a heap at the bottom of the stairs with the legs caught in the lamp shade. She of course was crying. Her first words were " But, I didn't know that would happen!"

this child certainly has a guardian angel on overtime right now.